
Attentive, Sober  

I sometimes am able 

to stand, stare, 

or confront clearly. 

I can lean in to the dry 

and open air.  

I can rise sincerely, 

like a morning 

or a feeling. 


I now cannot 

keep a list or recall 

where I put things last.  

A benevolent fog 

gathers and falls 

obscuring future and past; 

plans become softly clogged. 

When can I be clean? 

What will be seen? 



Oyster Mushroom  

A creature unknown is afoot,  

Lunar white and soft tonight.  

Amidst vine and bramble  

It will show its gills and gamble.  

For most of them hum in pitch;  

Like inner space, webbed in swamps rich.  


Where it is wet, where things return, 

The portal of rot from which life discerns.  

Watch burns of past seasons mortals  

Feed constellations both poor and royal coils. 

For it is soil we’re all begotten 

And our destination in being forgotten.  



Take Care 

Home broth and made beds, 

Watered roots and clean mirrors, 

Fires stoked and bread baked 

I will not bleed to live. 


Agreed dates and recipe books 

Batch cocktails and recycled stories, 

Anticipated hellos and long goodbyes, 

I will share for more.  


Wiped tears and thanks you’s, 

Seen labor and favors given,  

Sacred people and precious time, 

I will always love you.  




Land Dream  

Fields casted in orange, 

Skies rested in gray, 

Streams hugged in white. 


Winter releases the world to its owed sleep 

So we dream for green again. 

Let us dream for green again. 

Gavin Schaefer


About the Author

Gavin Schaefer is an aspiring scientist in ecology and botany. He is personally inspired by the beauty of plants, cooking, and his community. While he is pursuing a career in the ecological sciences, he loves the arts and hopes to continue to write! 
